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Showing posts from October, 2017

Diwali - Introducing and including toddler in all things festivals !

💥💥 H A P P Y    D I W A L I  !!!! 💥💥 Happy Diwali and prosperous new year!!! Diwali being one of the biggesssttt and brighteesstt festivals we celebrate, it is FULL of traditions and festivities and so much MORE!! I wanted to introduce a lot of traditions but wanted her to understand what it means by celebrating Diwali. Have her experience how I celebrated Diwali when I grew up in India. Growing up, it always meant helping mom, doing things around the house, decorating, firecrackers etc. I love the helping your mommy + daddy part! I feel this a great way to involve your toddler and they feel like they did something SO SPECIAL and IMPT. We started off by getting some earthen diya's and then coloring them with paint. You don't have to be the best painter / artist , we literally colored them in ONE color. But it was great way of introducing her to earthen diya's and talk about what we do.. When we light them at night, she was so happy to see...

A for Apple picking, Bay Area!

We love fruits as a family! And what better way to spend your weekend than this?! Blessed living in California, that offers so many varieties of fruits and farms. Apples come at the perfect time, end of summer, early fall... It's a great way to enjoy some warmth in the farms and pumpkin decorations! Alright, apple picking, what's important!                                      Timing, choice of the farms and picking them right! Timing: I will classify this in two parts, a. When in the season 2. What time of the day. a. When?! We learnt it the hard way but it's important to go early in the season. The earlier in the season the fruits are easier to access, and there's lots of them! Farms usually put up their calendars every year, try and track the times they open for U-Pick. I noticed this time that the farm we went to offered postcards service to inform you whe...